Launching Subscriber Only!

A couple of weeks ago I built Subscriber Only. Go and check it out while it’s hot.

Jekyll’s nice. It’s easy to use, very customizable and can be deployed everywhere. Unfortunately, there’s no way to serve premium, paid content on your Jekyll site. If you decide to monetize your blog, you’ll invariably figure out the easiest way to go about it is to switch to a different platform, like Ghost or Substack. Doing so, you lose all the Jekyll goodies you’re used to and you’re forced to move your content to a third-party platform.

Subscriber Only aims to fix that. It’s a Jekyll plugin that, with a Ruby gem and a couple lines of YAML, enables subscription management, payment processing and access controls on your site. Everything else stays the same. It even works with Jekyll Feed, so your RSS feed will keep working as it was.

You get all of this with no up-front cost. We take a fixed 10% cut off your revenue.

I’m pretty happy with the way it turned out. Here’s some screenshots I took to promote the app on Product Hunt.

I know nothing of marketing nor sales, so I ended up posting Subscriber Only on a couple of social media sites that seemed like a reasonable upload place. Take a look.

I’m pretty happy with the way it turned out. Give it a try and let me know what you think!